Friday, May 14, 2010

I stubbed by ';ring toe'; and the nail detached from the skin... blood... nail movement... what do I do?

It's stopped bleeding, but it feels weird with the nail moving up and down when I walk, and rubs with the next toe towards the inside. Should I clean it first, then cut off the new excess nail and then wrap it with a band-aid? What procedures do I take? This sucks.I stubbed by ';ring toe'; and the nail detached from the skin... blood... nail movement... what do I do?
I know you've already done all that. But keep an eye on it too, you don't want it getting infected.I stubbed by ';ring toe'; and the nail detached from the skin... blood... nail movement... what do I do?
go to the hosital..or sumfin...dont leave it like that..then it will become even worse

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