Saturday, January 23, 2010

How do you keep the nail glue off your skin?

When I put my fake nails the glue seems to go on my skin. If I put to little it won't stick. And if I put a dab too much the glue goes on my skin and I don't know what to do. Should I use a stronger glue? What is a good brand? How do you keep the nail glue off your skin?
Hi... As I've preached to so many others, you are attempting to wear FALSE nails and NOT FAKE NAILS... There is a difference... Do acquaintances of yours wear FAKE teeth or false teeth..? And if someone is in a place where they should be, are they there under Fake pretenses or FALSE pretenses..? One has a very harsh connotation to it, and versus a softer ';tone'; to the other.. Now to your inquiry..

I, being a c/d - t/v are very much into a nails on - nails off situation often.

On the back side of each false nail, there's a small indentation at the bottom (at least the ones I wear have) this is where you put the nail glue into, and not in huge quantities - then you apply a small dab ';mid nail...

THEN you let these sit for a minute or so... Next you apply the false nail to your own nail, and press into place and HOLD!!!!! Hold each and every nail you do for about a minute or even a bit more.. A job well done, should not be rushed...!!! If they're not sticking, you are rushing... And if you are getting glue on your skin, that indicates again, rushing, and using far too much....

Basically false nail glue comes in one strength ONLY!!!! But the end result comes about you're learning, and not rushing, and hopefully you are not buying ';cheap'; nails and cheap glue... Stay away from ';off shore'; products... You're throwing your money away if you buy cheap... A decent set of naiuls will run you probably around 10.00 and nail glue seperately around 5.00 a small tube..

Patience is a prerequisite .....


Rachelle In High HeelsHow do you keep the nail glue off your skin?
Just be careful. No biggie, this even happens in the nail salon. Just peel it off when it dries.

Just go get them donee..

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