Saturday, January 23, 2010

How do you stop biting your nails/skin around your nails?

Please help. but none of the medicine crap please. just tequniques thanxHow do you stop biting your nails/skin around your nails?
you cant really ever stop. but if you try putting acrylic nails on it might help. i always bit my nails and the skin around it.

But i got my nails done and it made me stop. Also try to stick a peace of gum when ur getting ready to bite your nails/skin.How do you stop biting your nails/skin around your nails?
Well I tried everything the nail polish and things like that because I pick my nails. Eventually I just had to go cold turkey.

-Good Luck
JUSt Try Not To Bite Thum.

I USEd 2 Bite MIne BUt Since I HEARd THAt TrYin Not To BIte Um I STopedd ANd NoW THEY ARe SOO LOnG.
Put hot pepper sauce on them and also add some red hot pepper and that will stop you!
have you tried the no bite nail polish, it worked on my kids, it's sold near the regular nail polish at Wal-mart.
Pretty much the same thing Aly said and if it's only oe finger then try putting a band-aid on it
you just have to tell your self to stop because no one knows you like you

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