Saturday, January 23, 2010

My son hit his toe and bruised the skin beneath the nail.?

It has been six weeks and has not healed. He's 1 year old. Should I take him in to the doctor, or continue to let it heal on its own?My son hit his toe and bruised the skin beneath the nail.?
ouch.. sounds painfull.. i'd definately take him to the doc. it cant hurt!!! or even just call them and ask if you should bring him in... six weeks seems like a long time.. i know our bruisings go away alot faster??My son hit his toe and bruised the skin beneath the nail.?
The pediatrician is laughing all the way to the bank when people take their kids to the doc for bruises, coughs, vomiting, etc. This is a common childhood and adult injury. Does it look like the bruised area is growing out with the tonail. Does it look bright red with pus or pain. More than likely, the pain is gone now, what you see is the old blood that will eventually grow out along with the nail. I would just keep it trimmed and keep an eye on it. If you see disturbing changes have the doctor look at it, but since it is so old I doubt he can do anything about it. The only reason they make a hole in the nail is because pressure and pain are caused by it bleeding under the nail, your son is beyond that now. If the toe is not deformed or painful, it probably is not broken either, and that other lady is right, all they will do is buddy tape it anyway, at one year old, even with a fx, it would be about healed by now, babies heal fast. Please don't worry, and continue to let it heal.
Yes you should have it looked at by his pediatrician.

It may be blood trapped under his nail bed that may need to be released by piercing the nail bed above the discolored area.

It may also be broken and the displaced bones are preventing appropriate healing. If it is a fracture they will just tape the toe to another toe (called buddy taping) to stabilize it so it can heal.
Mother of 4 children.

You have not been to the Dr. yet to see if his toe is broke or not? He is a baby still, even if not have him checked out .Better safe than sorry.It may just be briused where it needs time to grow out, or there may be loss of the nail. Ethier way, get him to the Pedi.Dr. Best Of Luck! :)
watch for swelling and just keep a eye on it if you think you should go then go you decide when the time comes.

I dropped 2 big food cutting blocks on my toe once boy oh boy it hurt all the doc did was stuck my toe nail with ahot needle to drain the blood then sent me home.
Well, I'm not too sure myself... six weeks is pretty long, I guess. You might want to just go to a doctor's in case and for some advice... If it's not too serious, the bruise should come up with the growing nail... at least that's what happened to me.
if its been six weeks to the injury then all you are seeing under the nail is the dried out blood that is still stuck in the dermis if he is experiencing no pain and discomfort let it be it'll grow out

hope this helps
It will heal but you run the risk of a disfigured toenail if a doctor doesn't look at it. They have a hot poker that pierces the nail and drain the blood that has built up beneath it
ive bruised under my nail before, it usually moves along in the direction the nail grows until its gone. If its not moving id look into it more, if it is, then it's probably nothing.
ouch! that was kinda hurt and painful. possibly, it can heal by itself but first, take him to the doctor to see if there is anything can do about it but don't let him touch the broken skin of the nail.
you can let it heal on its own, it will take a little time to grow out, if it's hurting him u can take him to the doctor and they will pierce the nail to let the blood out
Let it heal. He's 1. Tough as coffin nails. He'll be fine. Those types of injuries take a long time to heal. My thumb is still healing from a framing hammer collision which happened 9 weeks ago.
It won't heal. The toenail has to grow out. The dark spot is blood where he ruptured a blood vessel when he hit his toe. It will grow out with the toenail and you'll trim it off then.
I Would Suggest Medial Attention. He May Have Damaged It Seriously But There Is Really Nothing They Can Do For A Toe It Could Be Broken So Just Check With A Doctor To Make Sure!
when u bruise the skin under nails the blood stains the inside of the nail so u have to wait till the nail grows the bloody looking after soo long then maybe ask the doctor
No it will heal eventually but if you feel its a worry take him to the doctor
you should take him to a doctor. that happened to my little sister and she ened up getting a infection.
Take him to the doctor. That happened to my fingernail and it got worse.
yes because he is only 1 and it could get infected if it has not heald by now
take him to the doctor... NOW!!!!

Cause he might get an infection.
6 weeks old? Uhhh doctor, dur!

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