Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Slammed car door on finger. Nail is black and some skin near the nail is black...Should I go to doctor?

I want to know if the blackness is normal. This happened 2 days ago btw and the car was a jaguar, so the door closed very tightlySlammed car door on finger. Nail is black and some skin near the nail is black...Should I go to doctor?
You should go to the doctor if you like wasting your time and money. Turning black is what nails slammed in car doors (Jaguars, Volkswagons, Toyotas, Cherokees, you name it) do. If you whacked it just right, don't barf here, your nail can even fall off after a bit. Not to worry, it'll grow right back. All this is completely normal car door slamming or hammered nail stuff.Slammed car door on finger. Nail is black and some skin near the nail is black...Should I go to doctor?
The black is just dead, coagulated blood cells under the skin. A very bad bruise. Eventually, the nail will probably fall off, but it will grow back, it just takes time. It may get a bit worse before it gets better. Unless it gets extremely more painful, or becomes more swollen than it is, no doctor is necessary.
I did this with my house door. I live in south florida where the doors need to be metal for obvious reasons. It happened two weeks ago. My fingernail did the same thing. Don't worry about it. Simply go to your doctor. They take a small needle and spin it on the nail almost like starting a fire. There is no pain for that part in case you have a fear of needles. If you have any questions email me I only say this cause I flip out when I get scared from needles or something and I like to ask questions.
yes its normal dont worry :)

my dad did that too.

the blackness is just a deep bruise.

it will go down after a few weeks.

you can go to the doctor if you want,

but i dont thinks its necessary.
Yes, it's normal. I did the same thing with my thumb. It hurts! Eventually, the nail loosened and came off and a new nail grew.
so yeah you should go to the doctor.. can you bend it or move it at all?

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